Mixpeek is designed to seamlessly integrate with various datastores and file storage systems, providing a robust pipeline to process and enrich your data. Integrations enable you to connect your existing systems with Mixpeek to extract, generate, and embed rich data across multiple modalities.

What are Integrations?

Integrations in Mixpeek are the connections established between your datastore or file storage and Mixpeek’s processing pipeline. These integrations can serve as either sources or destinations:

  • Sources: Where your raw data originates (e.g., file storage systems, databases).
  • Destinations: Where processed and enriched data is stored (e.g., databases).

How Integrations Work

Whenever you add data to your source, Mixpeek automatically processes it through a connected pipeline and handles the following operations in your destination database:

  • Insertions: New data is extracted, enriched, and inserted.
  • Updates: Modified data is reprocessed and updated.
  • Deletions: Removed data is also deleted in the destination.

This means you never have to worry about sync, replication, consistency, inference, etc. You can focus on your query patterns and never deal with stale data.

Supported Integrations

If we’re missing an integration you need reach out

Integration Setup

Setting up an integration in Mixpeek involves the following steps:


Connect Your Source

Provide the necessary credentials and configuration details for your source. Configure the type of files you want Mixpeek to process (e.g., images, videos, audio, text, documents). Create Connection


Configure the Mixpeek Pipeline

Define the extraction, generation, and embedding processes that will be applied to your data. Create Pipeline


Connect Your Destination

Provide the credentials and configuration details for your destination database. Create Connection


Activate the Integration

Once activated, Mixpeek will start monitoring your source for new or updated files and process them through the pipeline to your destination. Enable Pipeline

Example Integration Workflow

Here’s an example of how a typical integration workflow might look:

Benefits of Using Mixpeek Integrations

  • Automatic Data Processing: Effortlessly keep your data processed and up-to-date.
  • Consistency and Reliability: Ensure your data is always in sync between sources and destinations.
  • Enhanced Querying: Utilize enriched data for more powerful and accurate queries.
  • Scalability: Handle large volumes of data with ease, thanks to Mixpeek’s robust pipeline.