Setting Up an AWS S3 Connection in Mixpeek

When you establish an S3 connection in Mixpeek and attach a pipeline, Mixpeek automates several backend processes to efficiently handle and process your data. Here’s how it works:

from mixpeek import Mixpeek

mixpeek = Mixpeek('API_KEY')

        "access_key": "your_access_key",
        "secret_key": "your_secret_key",
        "region": "us-east-2"

Automated Infrastructure Setup

Upon creating an S3 connection and attaching a pipeline, Mixpeek automatically sets up the following components:

  1. Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service) Topic: This acts as a pub/sub system. Every new object added to your S3 bucket that matches the pre-filter logic defined in your pipeline configuration triggers a notification to this SNS topic.

  2. Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) Queue: Notifications from the SNS are forwarded to this SQS queue. This decouples the process of receiving data from the processing, thereby enhancing efficiency and scalability.

  3. Serverless Functions (Create and Delete): These functions are triggered based on the activity in your S3 bucket:

    • Create Function: Activated when a new object is added to the S3 bucket. It processes the object according to the pipeline logic you define and inserts the relevant data into the designated database.
    • Delete Function: Handles the deletion of objects, ensuring that your database and the S3 bucket remain synchronized.

Workflow Diagram

Below is a Mermaid diagram that visualizes the workflow:


This setup allows Mixpeek to handle a large volume of object uploads from S3 efficiently. By processing these uploads through a scalable pipeline, it prevents overloading the inference servers and indexing pipeline, ensuring smooth and efficient data handling.