Base URL

The Mixpeek API is built on REST principles, enforcing HTTPS in every request to enhance data security, integrity, and privacy. Please note that the API does not support HTTP.

All requests should be directed to the following base URL:


Our API supports header-based authentication:

Mixpeek API Key

For API key-based authentication, you can pass in your API key.

Content-Type: application/json
authorization: Bearer <API KEY>

Rate Limit

Below are the rate limits (requests per minute) for different API endpoints based on your plan:

EndpointFree PlanPro PlanEnterprise Plan

After the rate limit is exceeded, you’ll hit the rate limit and receive a 429 response error code. To prevent this, we recommend reducing the rate at which you request the API. This can be done by introducing a queue mechanism or reducing the number of concurrent requests per second. If you have specific requirements, contact support to request a rate increase.

Response Codes

Mixpeek uses standard HTTP codes to indicate the success or failure of your requests.

In general, 2xx HTTP codes correspond to success, 4xx codes are for user-related failures, and 5xx codes are for infrastructure issues.

200Successful request.
400Check that the parameters were correct.
401User doesn’t have access to the resource.
403User authorization issue.
404The resource was not found.
429The rate limit was exceeded.
5xxIndicates an error with Mixpeek servers.

File Sync Status

INITIALIZINGThe task has been created and is being set up for processing.
DOWNLOADINGThe system is downloading the asset from the provided URL.
UPLOADINGThe asset is being uploaded to permanent storage.
PROCESSINGThe asset is actively being processed (e.g., for features, embeddings, etc.).
DONEThe asset has been successfully processed and is ready for use.
FAILEDAn error occurred during processing. Check the error field for details.


How does pagination work with the API?

Every response that returns a list of items is paginated, you can supply page_size and page in the url parameters. Note, that some list responses (like features) behaves differently for pagination.

How do you handle API versioning?

Currently, there’s no versioning system in place. We plan to add versioning via calendar-based headers in the future.