Ingest Text
- Required permissions: write
Bearer token authentication using your API key. Format: 'Bearer your_api_key'. To get an API key, create an account at and generate a key in your account settings. Example: 'Bearer sk_1234567890abcdef'
Optional namespace for data isolation. This can be a namespace name or namespace ID. Example: 'netflix_prod' or 'ns_1234567890'. To create a namespace, use the /namespaces endpoint.
Unique identifier for the collection where the processed asset will be stored, can be the collection name or collection ID. If neither exist, the collection will be created.
Controls how processing results are stored - either creating a new asset or updating an existing one.
Additional metadata associated with the file. Can include any key-value pairs relevant to the file.
Settings for text processing.
Skips processing when a duplicate hash is found and stores an error by the task_id with the existing asset_id
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