Update Node
Update an existing taxonomy node
- Required permissions: write
Bearer token authentication using your API key. Format: 'Bearer your_api_key'. To get an API key, create an account at mixpeek.com/start and generate a key in your account settings. Example: 'Bearer sk_1234567890abcdef'
Optional namespace for data isolation. This can be a namespace name or namespace ID. Example: 'netflix_prod' or 'ns_1234567890'. To create a namespace, use the /namespaces endpoint.
Path Parameters
The ID or name of the node to update
Name of the taxonomy node (must be lowercase without spaces)
Optional description of what this node represents
List of embedding configurations defining how this node should be vectorized
Name of the taxonomy node (must be lowercase without spaces)
ID of the taxonomy this node belongs to
List of child nodes under this node
Depth of the node in the taxonomy
Optional description of what this node represents
Unique identifier for the taxonomy node
Order of the node in the taxonomy
ID of the parent node (None if root node)
List of node names representing the path from root to this node
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